The Choices We Make: The Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

alcohol and car keys

alcohol and car keysWhile government agencies and volunteer activists are campaigning to schooling that the population penalties for driving while under the influence of alcohol are becoming more severe in the past few decades. And yet Americans continue to take the issue to driving a car in 1 survey, around 80 percent of responders confessed.

The thing is, the Government isn’t asking you to stop drinking alcohol, it really isn’t. It merely asks that you don’t get behind the wheel after doing so. Because you’re not only putting yourself in danger, but you’re also running the risk of harming someone, even if this isn’t your intention.

The Best Solution? Education.

Part of the issue is that, despite highways patrols’ efforts, the probability of becoming arrested remain low. Why penalties aren’t enough this statistic illustrates.

Part of this solution to the rate of DWI offenders would be to educate individuals about driving a car while inebriated isn’t something to take lightly.

People appear to believe that the hazards of driving while drunk are overhyped. It’s typical that people think that should something has been done by them twice or once without any repercussions, it shouldn’t be dangerous.

The simple truth is that each and every single time you get behind a wheel while impaired, you’re currently taking a risk. It’s been estimated that one in two Americans – half of of the population – will probably be involved with an alcohol-related accident at some point in their life, in the country.

Worse, you aren’t only should you drive while impaired at all, placing yourself and your passengers at risk. Because of the streets are secure for all citizens.

50 percent of highway crashes could be prevented, if driving while impaired was completely stopped, the tradition could be removed.